Fitness Tests of the US Rangers

The 75th Ranger Regiment, a distinguished airborne unit of the U.S. Army, boasts a rich history dating back to Colonial America, earning a reputation as one of the most resilient forces in the U.S. Military.

  • Motto: "Rangers Lead the Way"
  • Established in: 1950

To qualify for membership, individuals must be U.S. Citizens, hold a Top Secret Security Clearance, and be active-duty soldiers successfully completing the Ranger Assessment and Selection Process (RASP). Subsequently, candidates typically undergo Ranger School, either immediately or shortly after R.A.S.P.

Rangers are renowned for undertaking various sensitive missions, guided by the principles outlined in the Ranger Handbook:

  • "Don’t ever march home the same way. Take a different route so you won’t be ambushed."
  • "Don’t sleep beyond dawn."

Army Rangers Physical Requirements

  1. Pushups:

    • Pass: + 58 reps
    • Good: + 78 reps
    • Great: + 88 reps
    • Elite: + 98 reps

  2. Sit-Ups:

    • Pass: + 69 reps
    • Good: + 89 reps
    • Great: + 99 reps
    • Elite: + 109 reps

  3. 5 Mile Run:

    • Pass: - 40:00 min
    • Good: - 35:00 min
    • Great: - 32:00 min
    • Elite: - 30:00 min

  4. Pullups:

    • Pass: + 6 reps
    • Good: + 12 reps
    • Great: + 15 reps
    • Elite: + 20 reps

  5. Water Survival Assessment:

    • Pass/Fail Event. One must be fully clothed in full gear and jump into water.

  6. 12 Mile Ruck March:

    • Pass: - 3:00 Hours
    • Good: - 2:40 Hours
    • Great: - 2:35 Hours
    • Gold: - 2:30 Hours

R.A.S.P. 1st Phase

The First Phase of R.A.S.P. involves rigorous Physical Training, lasting approximately 10 hours a day. Activities include calisthenics, flutterkicks, pushups, pullups, firemen carry, windsprints, ruck marches and runs, monkey bar training, log PT, team PT, 30 feet rope climbing, and 6 feet wall climbing. Candidates must maintain an average score of 60% on the APFT initially, which increases to 75% throughout the phase. Failure may result from inadequate points on a Ranger History Test, including the writing of the 6 stanzas of the Rangers Creed.

R.A.S.P. 2nd Phase

The second Phase of RASP emphasizes specialized training, focusing less on physical testing as candidates are already in optimal physical shape. Specialized skills in shooting, combat diving, explosives, breaching techniques, and mental evaluations such as the Shipley IQ test, Jackson Personality test, MMPI, and a Pre-Lie test are emphasized.

R.P.A.T. Rangers Workout

The Ranger Physical Assessment Test, a component of the RAW Assessment, involves a teambuilding or individual exercise, featuring a full-body uniform and helmet.

It includes a 1. 2-mile run,

2. 20-foot rope climb and controlled descent,

3. 100-yard sled drag,

4. 20-foot caving ladder climb,

5. 200-yard sprint,

6. 8-foot wall climb, and

7. 1-mile run. Rangers are expected to complete R.P.A.T. in under 40 minutes.

Abram's Charter

"The Ranger Battalion is to be an elite, light, and most proficient infantry battalion in the world. A Battalion that can do things with its hands and weapons better than anyone. The Battalion will contain no 'hoodlums or brigands,' and if the battalion is formed from such persons, it will be disbanded. Wherever the battalion goes, it must be apparent that it is the best."

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